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For authors / Авторам


1. Authors should follow the common rules of the research and publication ethics, avoiding plagiarism, research fraud, simultaneous submission of manuscript to several journals, duplicate or “sliced” publications. In accordance with the “Science Journal of Transportation” policy, strictly original, unpublished previously manuscripts, resulting from a scientific research, are accepted to publication. Authors are supposed to have made a significant intellectual contribution to the research. 

2. The language of articles is English. 

3. The structure of an article should include the following compulsory parts:

  • article title;
  • full authors’ name and surname;
  • authors’ additional personal information (academic degree and title, e-mail, position);
  • affiliation (name and address of working place);
  • summary;
  • keywords;
  • introduction;
  • main text;
  • conclusion;
  • list of references.

4. Presence of figures, tables, and mathematical dependences is welcomed in scientific articles.